Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Balsa Woodmodel Bridges

New apartment - new tank ...

D my tank was already a good 11 years old now and only 160 liters, summarized wars this time against a new exchange. Our move into a new apartment because I came in handy.

The aquarium I ordered from the company L design, who made my special needs you. Sun it was a 100cm x 50cm x 50cm aquarium sits on the top out with walnut trim panel.
the cabinet I built my own back kitchen countertops and Ytong stones had been proven to me, yes. Stir

is in the aquarium with Eheim internal filter and a Tunze stream pump.
CO ² I give a JBL Vario (+ 2 expansions) to.
The lighting of the aquarium is dimmed to 50%. The lamp is equipped with two Osram 880, an Osram 865 and a Sylviana GroLux.
The red-brown sand of the grain 0.4 to 0.9 mm comes from the house Seelmann and is actually designed for sandblasting. Works great and looks (except pictures) very well.

I Planted with Microsorum pteropus, Echinodorus barthii, Staurogyne repens, Nymphaea lotus, Limnophila aromatica, Rotala rotundifolia, and commonly used to tie barbieri.
Since I took over most of the inventory from the old aquarium was no nitrite peak measured.
To hide the technology, I will plant left behind at some point something even higher end watch.


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