We are back. Our mouse a few hours after the operation. Sure, the OP was not easy, but I've presented me everything much worse than it was in the end. Apart from the fact that hospital is always corrosive, I have the time to Isabel but enjoyed very much. 24 hours to be there for my child, that's me usually not permitted as unfortunately working mom.
Once again thank you all for your great tips. We have rumbekommen the time well. I thank two novels by Jussi Adler-Olsen (mercy and the 2nd part where I do not think the degree name. Real GENIAL!) And Isabel, thanks to many Paint, television with DVD's, picture books and CD's.
Special thanks Sorani love we have received from you in the hospital for the love mail. Isabel was super happy. She wanted to paint only with acrylic paints. Unfortunately, from the beautiful fairies nothing to see in the pictures. But the main thing they had to paint pleasure ......
.... and it shows, yes. Very big cuddle !!!!!! You're a treasure!
And when we got home yesterday evening, Isabel has drawn the three lots. Actually there were only two, the first and the 3rd Los
the 2nd ..... namely, did pull their big sister.
drums ................................... of the prize goes to:
the 2nd Profit goes to Nic
the 3rd Profit goes to Melanie (Nählanie).
Melanie What can I do so, but jasimia love, love Nic send me your contact addresses and what colors you like to like, so I can then start your gains to potter ...... .
my new regular readers of "Welcome". If you or all the other times have any questions, contact you easily.
Stay healthy
your Myri
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